Energetic SPA


Every Being that comes into the World - born, has the knowledge of existence 💓.

It knows who it is, where it comes from, its goals in life and where it is going. He knows how to approach life to make it interesting and joyful. This is the first stage of development of a beginning Earthling. So you guess that I am writing here about very early childhood. Then your energetics is not disturbed because know that you are a Multidimensional Being.

You have not only flesh and bones but also a whole energy system that supports your entire Multidimensional Being.

When you grow up, you enter the so-called "systemic stage of development" and you lose connection with the place you actually come from. Of course, this is only an apparent loss of connection because it is all the time in us, only we are not aware of this connection.  Our consciousness is lost at the moment when we become too emotionally attached to the educational, religious and social system. Unfortunately, these systems do not talk much or at all about the fact that a person who has a Soul also has an etheric, mental and energetic body and is equipped with a very intelligent meridian and chakra system. Nowadays there are many positions on these issues on our reading market, so it is not a so-called "taboo" subject.


In my case, it was so that I learned about these issues once I had finished my school education. In spite of the education I had received in primary school, high school and university, I still did not have a satisfying knowledge of our purpose of existence, the source of origin or energy. At first (during my school education) I read a lot about astrology, numerology, astronomy, and especially about planets, stars, cosmic quantities, but I still had no idea what happens to our life after life. Of course, there were books on paranormal phenomena, but still this subject was shrouded in great mystery, and was even strange and ridiculed. Only in 2012 was there a breakthrough in the broadening of awareness of the origin of human beings and the meaning of life on Earth. A huge impact on this process had the development of the Internet, where this knowledge is widely promoted. 

Now I know that once we declare ourselves on the path of consciousness development, we receive a lot of valuable knowledge about various issues related to the multidimensionality of man. The only thing one has to do is to open oneself to this knowledge. In my case this happened in 2015. It was a breakthrough on my way to multidimensional knowledge, which I have anyway, I just start to recreate it step by step. You also have the knowledge of the multidimensionality of the human being within you. I am on the path of expanding my consciousness, which I am very happy about and I wish it for you too. Sometimes this state is called "spiritual awakening" or "the power of the present".

Human energy is very essential. It has to be taken care of every day. What hurts or makes us sick in the physical body is just a side effect of what is really going on in the human energy and emotional field. So it is good that the body informs us about painful places because we can recognise the source of the problem. This is what Total Biology in particular talks about. It is a huge knowledge that comes from multidimensional knowledge.

All our organs in the body are a so-called map of emotions and feelings. When, for example, we have a long lasting grudge inside us against someone/something then the liver will suffer. When there is great sadness, then the lungs will suffer and become ill. When there is unspoken content on various painful topics, then the throat will suffer. I would also like to mention that when we do not have a sense of material stability in our lives, when we are not satisfied with our work, and when the ground "crumbles" under our feet, our joints or spine become ill. These are just a few examples where emotional states accumulate in the form of pain or illness in a particular place. When you know this, it is much easier to make sense of the situation, get to the root of the problem and heal this dysfunction in life. This understanding comes when we expand our awareness of the fact that we are multidimensional beings and that we have our own energy field that needs to be taken care of every moment of our lives. Mindfulness in this moment is very important. About mindfulness, I wrote a very interesting post on my blog, which I invite you to read here.

At this point I can already move to the practical part of the main topic.

We can have an energetic SPA here and now. In every moment of life it is worth making a decision to make a change in your lifestyle to improve your energy. Energy is life. Energy is you. It is important to be aware of this fact. I mentioned the meridian system earlier. Meridians are energy channels that flow along our bodies through our various organs. Meridians have their terminations on the feet, hands, face and body. If any energy channel is obstructed then this is reflected in the form of dysfunction (disease) on/or in our body. I encourage you to learn more about these topics.

How do you clear an energy channel?

A simple and accessible way in our market is to use reflexology treatments. I personally have used such treatments on my feet and face. It is also important that the person performing the reflexology treatment resonates positively with you. During the massage there is an energy exchange between the two beings. I have used the same person each time and I am still in contact with him today. We have a very good social relationship ☺☺. I used the treatments in the spring and autumn - 10 treatments each time for my feet and 10 for my face, for two years.

Energetic Home Spa 💧💧💧

It is also a good way to use the Home Spa and do an acupressure treatment yourself. I will describe it in a few sentences. You need to prepare yourself a few handfuls of stones with rounded shapes or slightly angular (but not sharp!). I bought them in a home and garden shop, but you can pick them up in a meadow or field. When I started this adventure with acupressure it was winter and I had no place to collect stones. Coming back to the topic, this treatment consists in pressing your feet by walking on stones. I made myself such a special zone in the bathtub in my bathroom. I put a non-slip mat on the bottom of the bathtub, then a thick terry towel. I put stones on the towel and placed them next to each other. Then I poured warm water up to ankle height and poured in some mineral salt for my feet. On this occasion, I had acupressure in combination with a mineral salt bath (balneological treatment for the feet).

Once everything is ready, the only thing left is to get on the stones and calmly walk on them, paying attention to the places that particularly hurt, but you should not be discouraged by this, let alone interrupt the treatment. The only thing you need to do is to move your feet gently side by side so that they cover the warm stones. You can correct the position of the stones every time they move. After some time everyone will come to perfection in integrating with the "fossil" nature. After the procedure, it is good to clean the stones under running water and leave them to dry and lie in the sun. The sun has energising properties so I highly recommend this. 

It is worth adding here how one should approach the practice of acupressure treatments.

One should do this treatment for 15 minutes every day during the first week. In the following week reduce the number of treatments to 3 times. In each subsequent week, reduce to two. It is important to do this systematically and patiently. You will be impressed with your energy vitality after each successive treatment. You can use this treatment for a long time but know that the body itself is such a perfect creation that it will let you know when to stop. During these treatments, I put on some relaxing music which has an additional beneficial effect on my mood and relaxation. It's great time to yourself during your home spa. I recommend this treatment with all my heart.

Important! After both reflexology and acupressure there is a revitalisation of our entire physical and energetic body. These procedures are great for cleansing the body of toxins and deposits. At the same time it is necessary to remember about good and constant hydration of the body, be it with herbal infusions, mineral water with lemon or juices from freshly squeezed fruit or vegetables. By the way, you will quickly notice an improvement in intestinal peristalsis, lymphatic stimulation, reduction of swelling in the body, stimulation of blood circulation, which will additionally cause oxygenation of all organs in the body, which will consequently lead to a clearer mind, improved concentration, better quality of dreams, calmness, relaxation and rest. Happiness hormones are also released!. During these treatments there is an unblocking of energy flows throughout our body (in the meridians). You can quickly see and feel this by your body heat. You will no longer have the syndrome of permanently cold extremities and you will also clearly feel the energy flow throughout your body (tingling).

 And I will also mention the energy healing bath 💦💦💦💦

This is how I briefly described the methods available - from now on! - for unblocking the energy flow in the body. There are a lot of these methods available on the market today. They are both ones that you can do yourself at home, as well as ones that you can do in rehabilitation or therapy centres. For self-treatment you can also use an energy bath in a bathtub with mineral salt. The salt can be either kitchen salt or the salt used in balneological procedures. I personally use mineral baths with the use of magnesium sulphate salt, magnesium chloride or iodine-bromine salt. I use from 0.5 to 1 kg of salt for such an energetic and healing bath and I do it with the frequency of two or one bath per week for 30 to 40 minutes. I would like to mention that it is good to take such a bath with "special effects", i.e. in my opinion with relaxing music in the background, lit candles and/or lighted incense. I really like the smell of sandalwood incense.

Extra info! 💦💦💦

And last but not least, I would like to add extra information about the excellent energetic properties of the treatment, available to everyone at any time of the day or night. It is grounding, that is walking with bare feet on the Earth. The contact with Mother Earth is priceless. Everyone who has had this opportunity at least once will admit that it is a wonderful feeling 💜😊 I don't know if you know that while walking barefoot on the Earth an energy exchange takes place. Positive charges flow from our body to the Earth, which in excess are bad for our bodies and energies, and in return we get, during this contact, negative charges, which, you guessed it, are very beneficial and life-giving for us.

Take a conscious test for yourself!

At any time you can diagnose yourself in what state of mental, psychological, physical health you are currently in. If you feel bad and you are overtired, irritated, anxious, then know that you are overloaded with positive charges, mainly through the use of electronic devices (mobile phones, TV, computers, etc.) or simply being in such places where there is the so-called electromagnetic smog. Also staying in an environment with toxic people or so called "energy vampires" has a very negative influence on our health if we do not know about it.  However, once we have such knowledge, we are able to immediately realise and apply the energy safety. This knowledge is invaluable for every person who wants to live in health, happiness and abundance in every field of life and enjoy a joyful life. About the joy of life I invite you to read here.

I hope that after reading this post you will have a greater awareness of your multidimensionality and the knowledge that you have an impact on your energy health from now on, because everything starts with energy. Thought is energy. Energy is vibration. Everything around us is energy. We are energy too!

I wish you and I to live consciously every day and enjoy our wonderful mental, energetic, mental and physical health in the here and now!


Aneta Krężelewska


..................Translation of text from Polish into English by Damian Krężelewski..................


I invite you to read other interesting posts on the creation of a conscious, healthy and happy life. On my blog entitled "Creation of conscious life", I recommend the following topics:

-A healthy body makes a healthy spirit! here
-The joy of living! here
-Warm and pleasant living comfort with Magnesium here
-About me here


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